Formation Frame #1 – Spiritual Disciplines

Almost every Christ Follower is aware of the need to engage in the spiritual disciplines. At the beginning of our walk with Jesus, we are told that we need to read the Bible, pray, attend worship, get involved in a small group, etc. The reason is that the disciplines are the primary way we are formed in Christ. However, we must realize that the disciplines in themselves actually do nothing!

You can cultivate what makes for true meaning: worship, prayer, community, service, immersion in the Bible—knowing that such things can’t engineer meaning or holiness by your own power, but they can put you in a place in which you can say, as the boy Samuel did from his bedroom, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam. 3:9). — Russell Moore

Now, the Spiritual Disciplines in and of themselves have no merit whatsoever. They possess no righteousness, contain no rectitude. Their purpose—their only purpose—is to place us before God. — Richard Foster

Spiritual disciplines can, however, position us so that Holy Spirit can enlighten and convince us of truth, convict us of sin, and empower us to be formed into the image of Christ. There is a gap between who we are and who God wants us to be – more like Jesus. As we are involved in the disciplines, God reveals to us that gap and then through the power of Holy Spirit produces change to close the gap in our lives.

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So, what are the spiritual disciplines? Spiritual disciplines are the intentional and regular activities designed to nurture intimacy with God and facilitate the transformation of Jesus’ Followers into the likeness of Christ. The disciplines create both time and space in our lives, allowing God to shape us. Dallas Willard says there is “no such thing as a complete list of spiritual disciplines… But the ones that emerge as most beneficial in Christian history should all be considered very seriously.” So, what are the ones that “emerge in Christian history?” Here is a list of ten “primary” spiritual disciplines.

  1. Worship
  2. Sabbath
  3. Prayer
  4. Scripture reading
  5. Solitude
  6. Fasting
  7. Community
  8. Generosity
  9. Service
  10. Disciple Making

All of these disciplines have two things in common: They are all based upon God’s Word and require time for us to engage in them. Any spiritual discipline must be grounded in Scripture, for God’s Word is his primary message to us. In order for the disciplines to shape us, we need to practice them regularly. Sporadic engagement with the disciplines will produce limited benefits!

Dangers of Spiritual Disciplines

If we approach the disciplines in the wrong way with the wrong motivation, they can actually have a negative effect on our formation. Here are several dangers of engaging in the spiritual disciplines.

  1. Becoming legalistic about spiritual disciplines – they are a means of grace, not a list to be checked off.
  2. Becoming proud of the disciplines – they are not God’s merit badges but a way to shape us to be more like Jesus.
  3. Seeing them as the end instead of the means to an end – they only “position” us so that God can do something in our life.
  4. Focusing on the disciplines themselves instead of on God, there is no right or wrong way to do spiritual disciplines.
  5. Elevating one practice at the neglect of others – all the disciplines have merit. Neglecting some of them is limiting how God can shape you.
  6. Becoming impatient with yourself or God – Allow God to be God and shape you in his way and his time. Don’t beat yourself up if you are inconsistent in practicing the disciplines.

My challenge to you is to lean into practicing the spiritual disciplines in various ways. This will keep them fresh in your pursuit of being molded into the image of Christ. Try praying standing up or while walking. Read the Bible aloud or listen to a Bible app where the Bible is read. Try fasting from media input for a day. Take mini-sabbaticals throughout the day (where you stop what you are doing and focus on God). These are just a few ways to practice the disciplines differently. Allow God to shape you in various ways, for He is a God of infinite variety!

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